Our Green Credentials

As a company we take steps to improve our own environmental efforts as well as those we work with. We are part of a large office products group and have been awarded with ISO14001. ISO14001 is the international world standard for environmental management systems meaning that we have been assessed on our environmental practices, the ways in wich we reduce our impact on our environment and our legal compliance.

Our engineers visit all of our clients on foot and public transport, this enables us to get to our clients faster and resolve issues quicker all without adding to the congestion on city streets.

The packaging from your machines is donated to local community groups and charities for art projects before being recycled.

We work closely with the Woodland Trust to promote their range of recycled printer paper. Woodland Trust paper supports UK reforestation projects by planting one tree to every 12 boxes purchased. Our customers who purchase this paper will have their environmental effort documented with certification, they will also be invited to take part in tree planting days.

In 2023 we replaced two of our vehicles with electric vehicles, with two more due in 2024 and our whole fleet will be electric by 2025. Our delivery vehicles are low emission and are fitted with trackers for greener route optimisation.

We support UK based certified carbon off-setting schemes and offset our own carbon emissions as well as the emissions from our clients involved in our carbon neutral programme.